Flame Arrester
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KSPC Deflagration Proof In-Line Flame Arrester
Deflagration Proof In-Line Flame Arrester KSPC
The model KSFTFH Flame trap Ass’y of KSPC is composed of KSPC Model KS FH Flame Arrester and quick closing valve, automatically, in according to a rise temperature of heat Generally, it’s installed to pipe line in front of gas line from each holder and digester. Also, it’s prevent igniter to install in using gas equipment line. Flame Trap is designed to protect as a from explosion of propagation of flame. The model KSFTFH inline detonation flame arrester is designed, manufactured and tested according to API 2000, British Standard Specification Code BS7244, and EN 12874 / ISO 16852.

Flame Trap A’ssy of KSPC makes no difference though it is installed in line of horizontality or perpendicularity. Fuse has an element which is made of metal, and to be melted easy. So it can intercept flame within 15 seconds at 260 deg F (=127 deg C) You can see the position of valve disc stem at outside though heat resisting plate glass, so you can confirm whether valve is opened or closed. Also disassembly and cleaning of flame element is convenient and we can repair fast and it doesn’t need disassembly by exchange.
Periodic inspection and maintenance is required. The cell assembly can be removed for cleaning purposes. Cleaning ban be accomplished by dipping the entire cell assembly into an appropriate solvent. Care should be taken not to damage the cell openings as such deformations hamper the flow through the cell. The gaskets should be inspected and replaced if necessary.
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