92/38, No.12 Street, Quarter 18, Binh Hung Hoa Ward, Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Preliminary investigation Log in Registration Your cart (0) Product Hotline_247 0902800728 HomeAbout UsProductsSAFETY DEVICESKSPC valves for tanksBreather ValveBreather Valve /w Flame ArrestorFlame ArresterEmergency Vent CoverGauge Hatch & Slot Dipping DeviceN2 Blanketing ValveRupture DiscVacuum Breaker & Air Release ValveFloating SuctionPilot Operated ValveNacional Safety Relief ValveBROADY Safety Relief ValvesSafety Relief ValveReducing Regulating ValvesPressure Sustaining Valves / Pressure Surplus ValvesHydrant ValveBESA Safety Relief ValvesKUNKLE Safety Relief ValveOIL & GAS - CHEMICAL INDUSTRYCONVAL ValvesGlobe valveGate ValveBall valveStrainerCheck ValveOther valvesSingaflex HosesJointsComposite HoseFlexible / Expansion JointExpansion JointRubber JointGASSO Loading ArmLoading ArmComposite HoseFolding Stairs And PlatformsRubber HosesMetering-skidsFittingsDIDTEK ValvesGate ValveGlobe ValvesCheck ValveBall ValvesStrainersButterfly ValvesForged Steel ValvesOther ValvesWafer Check ValveKnife Gate ValvesCryogenic ValvesPlug ValvesControl ValvesSpecial Material ValveRITAG Dual Plate Check ValveORBINOX Knife Gate ValvesKnife Gate ValvesASCO CO2 ValvesPressure Reducing ValveNDV ValvesBall valvesDiaphargm valvesButterfly ValvesSanitary valveBOSCAROL Cryogenic ValvesEconomisers and reducersCryogenic ValvesGauge valvesSWISSFLUID ValvesPekos Ball ValveTaiwan ValvesValue ValvesJaki ValvesTungLung ValvesDR ValvesNicoson ValvesZ-Tide ValvesEMICO ValvesRinco ValvesKorea Cast Steel ValvesHANKOOK Cast Steel ValvesHAWKS Cast Steel ValvesDONGKANG(DKM) Forged Steel ValveDK Cast Steel ValvesDK VALVEDantec Composite hose & AccessoriesComposite hoseMannTek CouplingsHose CouplingsAccessoriesWATER INDUSTRY SUPPLIESTOZEN Valves Flexible JointFlexible Expansion HoseStainless steel Flexible JointFlexible Rubber JointExpansion JointTeflon(PTFE) Expansion JointsCompsite hoseManual ValvesButterfly valveCheck valvesGlobe valveBall valvesY-StrainerWater hammer arrestorFoot ValveAutomation ValvesSurge Anticipator ValveDifferential Presssure ValveAir ventPressure Reducing ValvePressure Relief Sustaining ValveFloat ValveSpring IsolatorTozen Spring IsolatorRubber PadPump & Other EquipmentsPressure GaugeTemperature GaugePumpOCV Control valvesDeluge ValvesBasic ValvePressure Reducing ValvesPressure Relief ValvesAltitude Control ValveFloat Control ValvesCheck ValvesDifferential Control ValvesRate of Flow Control ValvesSolenoid Control ValvesElectronic Control ValvesWell Commander System SeriesPump Control ValvesUncategorizedCla-Val ValveWaterworksPressure Reducing ValvesPressure Relief ValvesOther valvesFire ProtectionPressure Reducing ValvesDeluge ValvesLevel Control ValvesOther valvesFuelingPressure Reducing ValvesCheck ValvesOther valveMarinePressure Reducing ValvesPressure Relief ValvesOther valvesKITZ ValvesTOYO ValvesWater ValveTAMAKI Foot ValvesVINVAL ValvesBall ValveGate ValveFittingsLavabo FaucetSTEAM INDUSTRY SUPPLIESSteam trap and Valves of VYCSafety ValvesSteam trapsPressure Reducing Valves & Mixing ValvesNon-Return Check Valves & StrainersAutomatic Level ControllerFloatControl & RegulationBleeding for Steam BoilersSight GlassesGlobe ValveAZBIL Control valvesControl valveSAMYANG valvesPressure Reducing ValvesPrimary Pressure Regulating ValveSafety Relief ValvesSteam TrapControl ValveLevel Control ValveStrainerBellows Type Expansion Pipe JointBall, Slip, Multi JointHammerless Check ValveAir Vent ValveControl Check Valve / Suction DiffuserSpirax Sarco ValvesPressure Reducing and Surplussing ValvesSafety Relief ValvesSteam TrapMechanical Pump/ Condensate PumpGlobe ValvesYOSHITAKE ValvesPressure Reducing Valve/Drain SeparatorSafety and Relief ValveSteam Trap/Air TrapSight Glass/Flow MeterExpansion Joint/Ball Joint/Flexible JointSolenoid Valve/Motor ValveTemperature Regulator ValvesManual Valves/Strainer/Sight GlassAssist Trap/Pumping TrapOther ProductsTLV EquipmentSteam trapMechanical Steam TrapsThermodynamic Steam TrapsThermostatic Steam TrapsCondensate RecoveryWaste Heat RecoverySystem ProductsVacuum Steam Heating SystemsSteam-Fired Instantaneous Water HeaterCondensate Recovery PumpsSteam CompressorSteam Desuperheating SystemsPressure Reducing ValveCyclone SeparatorsControl Valves, ControllersVortex FlowmetersOther DevicesAir VentAir and Drain TrapsValvesSeparator FiltersSensorsVacuum BreakersStrainersSight GlassesManifoldsDOUGLAS Steam TrapsSIRCA Pneumatic ActuatorsPneumatic ActuatorButterfly ValveBall ValvesVENN ValvesJOKWANG Automation Valves KoreaSafety ValveSteam TrapPressure Reducing ValveAir VentTemperature Control ValveStrainerGlobe ValveAir VentSight Glass/Sight CheckChangeover ValvePLASTIC VALVE & PIPEA-SUNG EquipmentClean PVC ValvesClean PipeClean FittingIndustrial Piping SystemValvesPipeFittingCPVC Pipe - 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CHEMICAL INDUSTRY|Dantec Composite hose & Accessories|Hose Couplings Hose Couplings No data found! Category SAFETY DEVICES KSPC valves for tanksNacional Safety Relief ValveBROADY Safety Relief ValvesBESA Safety Relief ValvesKUNKLE Safety Relief Valve OIL & GAS - CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CONVAL ValvesSingaflex HosesJointsGASSO Loading ArmDIDTEK ValvesRITAG Dual Plate Check ValveORBINOX Knife Gate ValvesASCO CO2 ValvesNDV ValvesBOSCAROL Cryogenic ValvesSWISSFLUID ValvesPekos Ball ValveTaiwan ValvesKorea Cast Steel ValvesDantec Composite hose & Accessories WATER INDUSTRY SUPPLIES TOZEN Valves Flexible JointOCV Control valvesCla-Val ValveKITZ ValvesTOYO ValvesWater ValveTAMAKI Foot ValvesVINVAL ValvesLavabo Faucet STEAM INDUSTRY SUPPLIES Steam trap and Valves of VYCAZBIL Control valvesSAMYANG valvesSpirax Sarco ValvesYOSHITAKE ValvesTLV EquipmentDOUGLAS Steam TrapsSIRCA Pneumatic ActuatorsVENN ValvesJOKWANG Automation Valves Korea PLASTIC VALVE & PIPE A-SUNG EquipmentASAHI Plastic Piping & ValvesBAODI EquipmentSEKISUI Plastic Piping & ValvesGF Plastic Piping & ValvesSH Plastic Piping and ValvesHERSHEY Plastic Piping and ValvesBAODI Plastic Piping and Valve FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT WEFLO EquipmentHD FIRE Equipment GASKET, BOLT & OTHER DEVICES KLINGER GasketDYNO Bolt & NutLAMONS Bolt &Nut GasketMAN-TECH BoltGASPACK GasketTIGER Rubber Sheet MEASURING EQUIPMENT YAMAMOTO GaugeZENNER Water Meter OTHER BRANDS NICHIAS / TOMBO GasketVALQUA GasketTAEHWA KALPA SEALMONTERO GasketChina Gasket & PackingCHARMINA GasketETM ValesGARLOCK GasketFRENZELIT GasketTEMAC GasketGioăng DONIT TESNITTEADIT GasketWOOJU GasketGAMBIT Gasket Trademark KSPC TOZEN TLV SAMYANG GASSO CONVAL YAMAMOTO AZBIL OCV KLINGER DYNO BROADY NDV A-SUNG BOSCAROL SIRCA RITAG DIDTEK BESA ORBINOX BAODI ZENNER LESER DOUGLAS WEFLO YOSHITAKE TOYO KITZ DK VALVE TIGER HD FIRE ETM VINVAL VENN TAMAKI ASAHI SWISSFLUID KUNKLE VYC ASCO CO2 NACIONAL SPIRAX SARCO SINGAFLEX DKM LAMONS MAN-TECH WOOJUGASPACK JOKWANG DANTEC Origin Korea Japan Thailand USA China Singapore Germany Spain Australia UK Italy India Taiwan Vietnam Switzerland Featured products Dantec Composite hose Contact JSV-PF100 - Pilot Operated Pressure Relief Valve JOKWANG KOREA Contact JSV-FF100 - Safety Relief Valve Flanged end JOKWANG KOREA Contact KSBB/BS TYPE - Pressure Vacuum Relief Valves Vent to Atmosphere KSPC Contact ETM Armaturen Bellows Globe Valve Contact 0 Zalo